New Moon - Full Moon and Human Mind

New moon and full moon place a important role in the spiritual path. It's gravitational effects on the earth is enormous due to its proximity to the earth and its short duration to revolve the earth . 

Like we are unable to realize the speed of the earth when we are on the earth .we as living beings are unable to realize the subtle gravitational fields of the planets. Those who have reduced the mind frequencies and under-stood with the natures frequencies felt its immense effects and uses . Those great realized souls have devised many methods to avoid bad effects and to take benefits out of it. 

LikeWise moons gravitational field immensely effects the bio magnetism and tries to pull upwards towards the moon. Like water tides are high during the these days. So many religions make these days as auspicious days to connect with godliness as it promotes to leave this earth gravity and expand the soul energy or bio magnetism. Along with bio magnetism mind is also carried away. 

Many old people who are about to die normally die during new moon or full moon, most of the saints get enlightened during these days ( enlightenement happens mostly in full moon day only mahaveera got enligtened in new moon day ) ,psychological disorders goes abnormal during these days. 

Great understanding of this scientifically and spiritually helps to realize the self . Kundalini yogi can easily feel the effects of new moon and full moon gravity and can make use of it through meditations.
Doing pancha pootha navagraha / five elements- nine planets meditations during these gives greater benefits of planets. 

Full moon day -auspicious for thuriyatheetha meditation
New moon day - auspicious for pancha pootha navagraha / five elements- nine planets meditation

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