Key to successful life

I've come across this article of Jaggi Vasudev in Tamil.  I know we are all aware of it.  But when a great mind hit our ego, probably it will stimulate us to implement the key point  in our life immediately.  In the though of sharing with many people, I've translated in English.

Those who are very strong and focused certainly don't have failures.   If you are falling down 100 times a day, that will be the 100 lessons on that day.  If you are focused and strong on what do you want to make, your mind will be in the same direction. Your emotions, feeling and senses will be in the same direction where your mind in.  Because the way  you feel or experience your life will be in the same direction. 

When all of these accumulated source of power are focused in same direction, we will automatically get ability to achieve our dream goals in real regardless of our talent.  This is truth.

To handle various situations in our life, we need a different kind of personality and character. If you are being like the way how the flexible running stream is, you will be able to act with full capacity in your taken role. There will not be even slightest problem.

But most of us are not able to be flexible according to our situation and we have been tied with our situations.   When they confront the situation which we don’t like or unclear, we are being affected in great amount which cannot be explained or shared.

If you want to break it, you have to approach it differently. This is a very simple thing you can do: You need to be around with the person you don’t like and Spend some time with them with so much love and fun!

Do what you don’t like to do.  Be with the person, whom you don’t like to be with.  Even in that situation, if you are able to live with your sense, love and fun then that’s the success of your life and you can surely tackle any problem.

In some cases, something might happen accidentally and fortunately according to your wish or to your advantages.  If you are waiting for that lucky wind blows to your side, good things will happen to you only at your burial grave.  Even that time might not come in our life.

Do you know? Quantum Theory says that if million tries are made to walk through a solid wall, in one point of time we can cross through the wall. A slightest problem is our skull should have broken before we finish up the millionth time. ;- )  But note there is a possibility to cross.  Who knows, your skull may be strongest.  This belief is the secret of success.

When you rely on luck, you will live with fear and haste.   When we live with clear focus, productivity and efficiency, we will have dominance over the happenings regardless of happening or not happening.   That’s what the stable life.

Jaggi Vasudev.

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