Contentment and Truth Ashtawakra Gita

Ashtavakra Gita: If you only had ten days to live in the planet, what would you want to do? Sit and think what your priorities are. Are you worried about your relationship? In ten days you are going to go away; kick the bucket! Are you worried about your property? Are you worried about your friends and foes? Are you worried about what you are going to eat, your eating preferences? What are your preferences? Ten days to live of your life, and what are you going to do? We keep living as though we will live forever. We hang onto things as though they will be there forever. We forget the sense of time and life - the flow of life. Isn't that our only problem?

You're so concerned about your relationship. A lady didn't smile at you or a boy went with somebody else! What are you worried about? Where will they be? People are burned down with this sense of relationship. People are burned down with things about friends; wasting precious life and time. A friend of yours behaved badly with you and hurt you. What actually hurts you is your foolishness. Let them behave the way they want! But you want everybody to be on your railway tracks. You haven't railway tracks for people, and you want everybody to walk on those tracks. The moment they give you a surprise, you say you never wanted that in your life. How can you get over it? What do you want to get over? Just wake up and look! Neither of you are going to be here long! You will both be under the earth in no time. You won't even be able to recognize this body. And if you continue to live like that, nobody will even take your name. Nobody will even know you existed on this planet. Anyway, even if they do, it has no meaning for you, does it? Where are you to begin with? You feel that one the person did this to you and another person did that. They did not smile at you, or that they smiled at you. That they said something good; they did this..... Where is your freedom? We carry such stupid things with us wherever we go! A doormat can remove mud from your feet, but if you carry mud in your head. What can remove it?

Contentment! If people have behaved well with you and been friendly to you, thank them for what they have done to you. Don't become a burden on them. Contentment! The whole world needs to understand this; the entire world is burning out for nothing! Every moment put yourself into knowledge. Everybody should be immersed in two or three hours of seva (service). Otherwise we talk about colourful dresses! Okay, you bought colourful dresses and put them on, so what! You don't even look at your own dress, you always look at others! Someone else has a nice, colourful dress. You can look at it and enjoy! We want to put them all on, and forget how many nice and beautiful clothes we have. We look for what we do not have and there will be no contentment. I have nothing against you wearing beautiful dresses. In fact, I like it! It looks very nice when everybody wears nice dresses; it is very festive and colourful. I am all for it. But much more than that, I would like you to be contented about it in your mind, in your heart. Don't have feverishness or craving for it.

दयातोषसत्यं पीयूषवद् भज । Truth is the fifth of the five principles. Truth is what is right now! This is truth! What is the truth? You are not going to be here all the time. At least, this body is not going to be here all the time. This is the truth. It's solid truth. And this body is always changing-another solid truth! This body is always changing, the second truth. The whole world is changing. People are changing; their minds are changing. Everything is changing. Do we ever think about it - how everything is changing? This truth does not cross our mind at all! We grab any little negative something here and there - "something is not changing; that person is not changing! All these things in me are not changing!" You hold onto something; even that is changing. Wake up and see that everything is changing. This is truth. This one principle of truth can save you. All is changing. It makes you so firm, strong and solid inside. Nothing on this planet can shake you. Nothing whatsoever can shake you; you get established. The simple truth - you don't have to read books or do any big sadhana.

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